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CloudScend Foresight Data Dictionary for Knowledge Discovery

You are able to use your own instance of Metabase or any other Business Intelligence product to create your desired analytics using CloudScend Foresight data. We have provided read only access to the database tables below so you can create charts, graphs and perform analysis with the CloudScend Foresight data. The read only account information was provided with your CloudScend Foresight licenses.

CloudScend Foresight Database

Table NameDescription
app_analysis_loe_resultsTable containing the data needed to calculate the Migration Estimate.
Field NameData TypeDescription
P* idINTEGERTable specific key
* app_global_idVARCHAR2(255)Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
estimated_survey_app_analysis_effort_hoursINTEGEREstimated AA effort hours from AA Summary
estimated_app_analysis_effort_costINTEGEREstimated AA effort cost from AA Summary
estimated_app_analysis_effort_bucketVARCHAR2(10)Estimated AA effort bucket from AA Summary
actual_survey_app_analysis_effort_hoursINTEGERActual AA effort hours - entered by user when complete
actual_app_analysis_effort_costINTEGERActual AA cost - entered by user when complete
actual_app_analysis_effort_bucketVARCHAR2(10)Actual AA bucket - entered by user when complete
eff_dateDATEDate the analysis was performed
estimated_migration_effort_bucketVARCHAR2(16)Calculated Estimated Refactor Effort Bucket from Refactor Details
actual_migration_effort_bucketVARCHAR2(16)Actual Refactor Effort Bucket entered by user when complete
estimated_migration_effort_hoursVARCHAR2(255)Calculated Estimated Refactor Hours from Refactor Details
actual_migration_effort_hoursINTEGERActual Refactor Hours entered by user when complete
estimated_migration_effort_costVARCHAR2(255)Calculated Estimated Refactor Cost from Refactor Details
actual_migration_effort_costINTEGERActual Refactor Cost entered by user when complete
estimated_app_analysis_total_scoreINTEGERTotal Calculated Score from AA Details Summary
Table NameDescription
app_cast_highlight_tech_propertiesTable containing data for major CAST Highlight metrics.
Field NameData TypeDescription
P* table_idINTEGERTable specific key
app_cast_highlight_cloud_blocker_indexNUMBERCAST HL Cloud Blocker Index - Lower scores indicate fewer blockers to Cloud migration
app_cast_highlight_cloud_readiness_indexNUMBERCAST HL Cloud Readiness Index - Higher scores indicate an application is better suited for Cloud migration with fewer modifications
app_cast_highlight_security_vulnerability_index_criticalINTEGERCAST HL Critical Security Vulnerabilities Index
app_cast_highlight_security_vulnerability_index_highINTEGERCAST HL High Security Vulnerabilities Index
app_cast_highlight_security_vulnerability_index_lowINTEGERCAST HL Low Security Vulnerabilities Index
app_cast_highlight_security_vulnerability_index_mediumINTEGERCAST HL Medium Security Vulnerabilities Index
app_cast_highlight_tech_debtNUMBERCAST HL technical debt value refers to the cost to fix the structural quality of the application per CAST Highlight calculations
app_cast_app_idINTEGERCAST HL Application ID
app_cast_major_technologyVARCHAR2(255)CAST HL provided major languages used
app_cast_software_agility_indexNUMBERCAST HL Software Agility Index represents the ease of maintaining your application source code
app_cast_software_elegance_indexNUMBERCAST HL Software Elegance Index represents code complexity
app_cast_software_resiliency_indexNUMBERCAST HL Resiliency Index represents the presence of good or bad programming habits within your source code that make it more or less robust and secure
app_cast_software_sloc_countINTEGERCAST HL Source Lines Of Code Count
app_global_idVARCHAR2(255)CloudScend Foresight Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
eff_dateDATEDate analysis was performed
app_cast_app_nameVARCHAR2(255)Application Name
app_cast_functional_organizationVARCHAR2(255)Application Functional Organization
app_cast_highlight_obsolescence_outdatedINTEGERCAST HL Outdated Obsolescence Index. Obsolesence information informs you of the number of frameworks that are obsolete and need remediation
app_cast_highlight_obsolescence_nearly_outdatedINTEGERCAST HL Nearly Outdated Obsolescence Index. Obsolesence information informs you of the number of frameworks that are obsolete and need remediation
app_cast_highlight_obsolescence_not_outdatedINTEGERCAST HL Not Outdated Obsolescence Index.
Table NameDescription
app_cast_highlight_technologies_slocsTable contains data regarding SLOC by technology per application.
Field NameData TypeDescription
P*table_idINTEGERTable specific key
app_global_idVARCHAR2(255)Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
technologyVARCHAR2(255)Software Language
slocsINTEGERNumber of Source Lines of Code
cloud_readiness_supportedCHAR(1)Indicator showing if cloud readiness is supported for this language
Table NameDescription
app_historyTable contains data showing history and location of source code uploads by application.
Field NameData TypeDescription
* idINTEGERTable specific key
* app_global_idVARCHAR2 (255)Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
git_tagVARCHAR2 (255)GIT location for uploaded source code
upload_timestampTIMESTAMPDate/Time the instance of the source code was uploaded
Table NameDescription
app_orgTable contains data regarding application ownership and organization.
Field NameData TypeDescription
P * idINTEGERTable specific key
app_orgVARCHAR2 (255)Application Organization entered during Onboarding
app_ownerVARCHAR2 (255)Application Owner entered during Onboarding
app_project_managerVARCHAR2 (255)Application Project Manager entered during Onboarding
* app_global_idVARCHAR2 (255)Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
eff_dateDATEDate application was onboarded
Table NameDescription
app_sonarqube_metricsTable contains data regarding technical debt and vulnerabilities determined by SonarQube scan.
Field NameData TypeDescription
P * idNTEGERTable specific key
* app_global_idVARCHAR2 (255)Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
technical_debt_ratingNUMBERTechnical Debt rating for application received from SonarQube scan - 1.0 means very low technical debt and 5.0 means very high technical debt
vulnerability_countINTEGERVulnerability count from SonarQube scan
Table NameDescription
applicationTable contains main application data information.
Field NameData TypeDescription
P * idINTEGERTable specific key
* analysis_statusVARCHAR2 (255)Current status of analysis for the application
* app_idVARCHAR2 (255)Application Global ID used as application key across CloudScend Foresight tables
* app_languageVARCHAR2 (255)Main programming language determined following Onboarding
* app_nameVARCHAR2 (255)Application Name entered during Onboarding
* app_userVARCHAR2 (255)Application User entered during Onboarding
* functionalVARCHAR2 (255)Application Functional Org entered during Onboarding
* project_managerVARCHAR2 (255)Application Project Manager entered during Onboarding
artifact_urlVARCHAR2 (255)URL to location of stored artifacts
app_ownerVARCHAR2 (255)Application Owner entered during Onboarding