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Installing CloudScend Foresight to Amazon EKS

This section of the Installation Guide will provide instructions for installing CloudScend Foresight v1.0.0 in an Amazon EKS environment.

Assumptions for Amazon EKS Installation

  • Familiarity with Amazon EKS Environments
  • Access to functional Amazon EKS Environment
  • Knowledge of Helm files usage

Technical Requirements for Amazon EKS Installation

Installation Procedure

Download Package

  1. Download the Installation Package
  2. Examine the folder structure and ensure you have the structure and files included in the table below.
Directory NameDescription
AppsFolder containing Helmfile configuration for CloudScend Foresight application
envFolder containing the environment file to configure the deployment
initFolder containing scripts used in the deployment
initialFolder containing Helmfile configuration for the supporting applications:
- Keycloak
- GitLab
- SonarQube
- Metabase
Istio-supportFolder containing the installation details repeated
READMEREADME with the installation details repeated
foresight.shMain script file to be run to install the application

Configure Environment

  1. Open the license.txt file you received from SAIC via email.
  2. Open the foresight.env file in an editor (Notepad++, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, etc.) Env File
  3. Find the environment variable LICENSE_KEY License Key
  4. Copy the text in the license.txt file and paste it into the LICENSE_KEY value.
  5. Change the remaining environment variable values based on your environment.

Optionally Install Windows Report Service

If you will be processing any .NET code, you must install Windows Report Service. Follow the steps below to perform the installation.

  1. Install Windows Report Service (optional)
    1. Install the app and dependencies (only required if not using the Report Service AMI from AWS Marketplace)
      1. Copy the Windows Report Service App zip file to a Windows Server 2019 machine.
      2. Extract the contents of the zip file to a temp folder.
      3. Download the install-prereqs.ps1 and configure-startup.ps1 powershell scripts to the same temp folder.
      4. Start an Administrator elevated Command Prompt.
      5. Change (cd) to the location of the zip file's extracted temp folder.
      6. Run powershell -File .\install-prereqs.ps1
        1. Content will be installed for .Net Framework 4.8, SonarScanner for MSBuild .NET, Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools, and Java 11 JDK.
        2. The files will be downloaded and saved to C:\AMaaS\temp.
        3. After the .Net Framework 4.8 install, the computer may reboot. If it does, run powershell -File .\install-prereqs.ps1 again to make sure the installation has completed.
    2. Run powershell -File .\configure-startup.ps1 and provide the requested information. This step creates a start-report-service.bat file in C:\AMaaS with the provided values.
    3. To start the Windows Report Service, run C:\AMaaS\start-report-service.bat. Note: make sure port 8080 is exposed and addressable for the "normal" Java Report Service to access.

Run the Installer Script

  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the top level of the installation folder
  2. Type ./ to run the script
    • Note, in Linux you may be required to change the permission of the script to Run As Admin.
    • if you receive an error during installation, refer to the Debugging and Installation Support below.
  3. Wait for installation to complete. This usually takes less than 30 minutes depending on your system.
  4. Validate by examining the cluster pods.

Troubleshooting and Installation Support

Installation Issues

  1. WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /Users/{username}/.kube/config
    • This is only a warning, but for security best practices this should be addressed.
    • The fix is to run the following command against your kubeconfig to change its permission to readable only by the current user
      • chmod u=rw ~/.kube/config
  2. Missing Required Environment Variables
    • An error will be printed out with the specific missing variable
    • The fix is to set the missing variable, use the chart above or the foresight.env file for reference.

Viewing logs

  1. You can view logs using kubectl
  1. Add "-n [namespace]" to the end of the command to find your pod -For example, "kubectl -n mynamespace logs podname-1 -c optional-container-name"
  2. You can also use Lens to view your logs. See information in the CloudScend Foresight Operations Guide for more details.

If you are still experience issues with your installation or need support, please contact the CloudScend Foresight service desk by phone at 1-866-411-4227 – option 3 or email